Finding Similarities Between Media and Life

A Guide on Social Media Generations

Technology has professional organized many things but one thing that is evident is that it has eliminated they geographical barriers because now people can interact across the world anytime and this is something new because it does not before. In 2019 only, it was experimental that over 2 billion people across the world use social media. The world currently has 7.6 billion people and it is predicted that 25% of these people will be using social media in the future.It is possible to think that only the young generation is used things social media, but the truth is, all generations are into this with people aged 18-29 constituting it 88% users and people aged 50-64 constituting 64% of social media platform users. Read more to learn different generation habits on social media.

There is generation Z constituting of people between 3-22 years that are born between 1996- 2015 who are the newest wave of social media users now. This generation Z is a technology generation because you were born in this era and because of that attachment another computer very well and 51% of them find it difficult to live social media. This generation uses social media as a source of entertainment and not many other reasons and that is why the time they spend on social media is very short. This generation uses Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat more that is the age of 18-22 but 94% uses YouTube because of video content sharing

The group between 1977-1995 is a Millennials who are social media diverse because they were halfway born into the technology that is the computers. This group uses three social media platforms to voice their opinions like generation Z which uses 4. This generation, therefore, has a longer span of using social media, but most of the times they use it to develop their professional career and that is why we use mostly the LinkedIn.

Generation Z is an amazing generation born between 1965 to 1976 and are not very diverse when it comes to social media, you find that they use 1/8 social media platforms available. If you are a marketer, this is a good opportunity for you to target this group because of disposable income and the social media for content and should learn more to benefit from them.

The smallest group that uses social media is those baby boomers born 1946 to 19 before and the love content sharing and that is why you find that the use Facebook to pass the opinions especially on family and friend values. Engage more content on the Internet on different generations because they differ when it comes to social media usage and you will understand more.

Citation: linked here

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